My name, as you may have guessed, is Bethany. I like to write; I always have. I remember distinctly being given a picture writing prompt at school - I was probably in 1st or 2nd grade - where we were supposed to write a couple of sentences describing what was happening in the picture. I came home with a full blown novella. For as along as I can remember, I have had stories floating around in my head. And as a busy mom, writing helps keep me sane. Sometimes it's the only time I get to engage my adult brain, so writing is vital to me.
I have one short story that's been published. I give a lot of credit and love to NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, if you aren't familiar with it) for getting me back into the habit of writing after too many years away. So when one of my local chapters sent out a call for short stories to be considered for an anthology NaNo was puting together as a fundraiser for their Young Writers program, I jumped at the opportunity. Especially since the very strange assigned theme went nicely with an idea I had floating around in my head at the time. Each story had to use an unreliable narrator and include the phrase, "a cuticle in the space station." My story was selected, and I even had the opportunity to help coach a few of my younger fellow authors as they edited their entries. You can buy the book here:
Along with writing, I love reading, but hopefully that's obvious too. My favorite genre is Sci-Fi and Fantasy. I do actually enjoy both, although I lean a bit toward Fantasy. I also enjoy fairytales, historical fiction, comedy, normal literary fiction, and the occasional mystery. I have too vivid an imagination to enjoy horror or anything too scary, though. You know how little kids sometimes jump into bed because they're scared of monsters? Yeah, I still do that sometimes.
I've been intending to actually review the books I read for a long time, but I always forget. I make giant lists on Goodreads and Amazon of books I want to read, and then I forget to rate and mark things off when I read them. And THEN when my friends ask me what I thought of what I've read months later, I can only come up with only vague impressions. So I'm going to start writing things down more often. As an aspiring author, I figure that being conscious of why I liked other authors' books, and what was good or bad about them, I can improve my own writing.
I'd love to hear other people's experiences with these books too, but please keep it civil. We're all entitled to our own opinions, and just because I like something doesn't mean I expect anyone else to. So sit back, pick up a good book (or occasionally a bad one), and join the discussion!